Monday, March 31, 2008

The Countdown is ON

38 days till I'm going to the D. R.

Today was a crazy day. The weather was rainy and crappy all day, and I've had a horrible headache all day. It's brutal!

On other news about D.R.: As part of trying to prepare to the trip everyone on the team has committed to either fast from food for one day a week over the next 6 weeks or to fast from one thing over the 40 days leading up to the trip. I chose to fast from something for the 40 days. I'm fast from junk food. It wasn't too hard today since I wasn't feeling well so I wasn't really craving junk food. But I know this is going to be super hard. I mean this mean NO cookies, or chocolate or ice cream, or candy, or chips, or anything like that. But while I'm craving these things it's suppose to remind me to pray and to prepare us for the trip.

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